Growtopia How To Get Rich Profits: Growtopia Fishing Guide

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Growtopia Fishing Guide

So, Hello Growtopians! On this post, I'm gonna tell you all about fishing in Growtopia!

All The New Fishin' Pack!
It contains :
1. Fishing Rod
2. Tackle Box
3. Fish Tank x 10
4. Fish Tank Port
5. Wiggly Worm x 5

1. Fishing Rod

In game description:

"Equip this and then use bait on water next to you to go fishing! All you have to do is wait for a bite, and then punch the fish before it escapes! If you miss, your bait is wasted, so punch fast." 
Rarity: 94 
To grow, splice a Adventure item - Rope Seed with a Sequoia Seed. 
This item never drops any seeds.

2. Tackle Box

In game description:

"You keep all your bait for fishing in here. Unfortunately, it's on a timed lock, so it can only be opened once every two days." 
This item can't be spliced. 
This item never drops any seeds. 
This item can't be destroyed - smashing it will return it to your backpack if you have room! 
This item can be placed in two directions, depending on your facing. 

3. Fish Tank

In game description:

"Fish can swim around in here! However, you need to put them in through a Fish Tank Port, sold separately." 
Rarity: 42 
To grow, plant a Fish Tank Seed. (Or splice a Glass Pane Seed with a Fishbowl Seed}

4. Fish Tank Port

In game description:

"This is a handy hole in a fish tank, through which you can insert or remove fish! Use your wrench to manage the fish, just like real fish. You can only place this on a fish tank." 
This item can't be spliced. 
This item can't be destroyed - smashing it will return it to your backpack if you have room! 
This item has special properties you can adjust with the Wrench.

5. Wiggly Worm

In game description:

"This is bait for fishing. Equip a fishing rod and then use this bait on water that you are standing next to in order to start fishing. Wiggly Worms can only catch the smallest fish." 
This item can't be spliced. 
This item never drops any seeds. 

After that all, I'm gonna tell you how to fish.
1. Equip the fishing rod.
2. Tap the worm on water [ make it like a pond ]
3. Wait 'till the water splash [ a small splash ]
4. If you see a small splash in water, tap punch as fast as you can.
5. And yes, you got a prize!

Happy Fishing!!!

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