First of all when u start gt please don't go around asking for donations
since 90% of the people who do don't need them and its annoying
When you start gt, start simple by getting your first worldlock.
>go to random worlds and start breaking rocks and dirt
>splice them and make grass
>sell the grass seeds 150-200/wl (not sure about prices)
step 2:
with that worldlock buy farmables (fishtank recomended)
>buy blocks 200/1
>break the blocks
>keep the gems
>sell the seeds
>Genius idea^
Keep doing step 2 until you have a good amount of gems 5-10k for start
step 3:
>Go to different buy+ worlds and see what pack you should buy with your hard earned gems
>Buy packs and sell them for price + wl u used to lock the world
step 4:
>Keep repeating step 2 and 3 until you have 10-20 wls
step 4: (getting serious)
>This is where the easy profit starts
>go to buy+ worlds like buyweather etc
> Golden rule (Buy cheap, Sell for more)
>It is really easy buy a weather for 4 wls and sell 5 wls for example
>you can do this with many items
>for me i got my first wls when i started by buying comet weather 50-55 wls and selling 60-65 wls
>was easy to sell since hard to find seller and high demand
step 5: (after you get your first dl) CONGRATS!
>start your own shop
>by packs from people who are doing step 3
>then make your own shop which sells specific items from the packs
>i recommend doing surgery or crime packs (most profit)
>these shops will profit a lot but will need you to be active
>on carnival your profit will be insane!
>If you need any help feel free to pm me!
**Don't even think about gambling or casino you will almost 100% get scammed or loose a lot and regret**
**Don't attend drop games or other known scams they are a waste of time
ans sometimes you will be tempted to drop to tease the scammer then end
up getting scammed**
**I hope this guide helped you in a way**
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